Request Accommodations
Please note this page is divided into three sections: deadlines for everyone, information on how to request accommodations for those who have not previously registered, and then information for those who have previously registered.
Because implementing accommodations involves collaboration between multiple areas of campus, we generally need time to properly prepare. Please note the following important deadlines. Requests for exceptions to general deadlines due to extenuating circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Failure to plan ahead does not constitute an extenuating circumstance. If you miss a deadline, it is sometimes necessary to wait until the next cycle. Thank you for your understanding.
All Students Who Have Not Previously Registered
To register with our office, please begin the process by completing the Disability Identification Form in Workday. Here are the instructions:
Submit Disability Identification Request
After submitting your form, please email for an appointment.
Here is an infographic which briefly explains our accommodations process in a visual format:
The Accommodations Process (PDF)
If you have been newly accepted and plan to enroll at Smith, please make every effort to contact our office and register using the general registration information linked above well before you arrive on campus. Without sufficient advance notification and proper documentation, we may not be able to meet your requests or there may be delays.
Contact us directly to discuss what accommodations and services will be provided, and if you have any questions about the process.
Our Office Process & Student Responsibilities
Please refer to the visual flowchart of the ARC interactive process. An extended text description of the flowchart is also available.
Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis considering an individual's challenges and the academic demands and responsibilities of residential life at Smith College. Accommodations are approved through the Accessibility Resource Center with significant ongoing involvement of the student. Our process begins with registration and a conversation where we learn more about you and discuss the areas where you may need accommodations or support. We discuss possible solutions that may involve specific services, individualized accommodations, referrals for medical care or treatment, as well as strategies for enhancing academic success, job performance, utilizing resources, or improving social participation.
Once housing accommodations are approved, ARC communicates this information to Residence Life, and Residence Life will place a student based on what is available. Once academic accommodations are approved, ARC shares the official letter with the student. The student delivers the letter to professors and has a conversation with each faculty member in order to initiate communication and collaboration.
Students must work closely with the office when ongoing support services such as sign language interpreters, alternative format materials, or transportation are being provided. Students are responsible for notifying the Accessibility Resource Center if difficulties arise during the course of the semester. Failure to maintain communication or to adhere to reasonable expectations for responsible use of accommodations and services may result in a temporary suspension of services, pending a discussion with the director of ARC to resolve the issue.
Contact ARC directly to talk about the accommodations you may need. Common accommodations can be found on our Accommodations and Services page.
For more information on Smith's disability policy, including exclusions and grievances, see Disability Policy.
Students Who Have Previously Registered
To request an update to your existing accommodations, please complete a new Disability Identification Form in Workday using the instructions. After submitting your form, please email for an appointment.
If you do not need to make any changes to your accommodations, you may continue utilizing the same Letter of Accommodation.
Please note that you are welcome to submit new accommodation requests any time, including mid-semester. The timing of the implementation of any newly approved accommodations will depend on the systems in place in other departments on campus, and the availability of the accommodation. For example, Residence Life has a Housing Accommodation Form process during Spring semester, and the deadlines for that will be communicated by Residence Life. Please carefully watch your email for up-to-date information. The ESA process is unique, and more information can be found on our Accommodations & Services page under the heading "Service and Support Animals."
When housing requests are received after June 1st, and academic requests are received after August 1st, there may be a significant delay in the college's ability to fulfill the request. Please schedule a time to talk with our office if you would like to discuss alternative strategies for meeting your access needs while waiting for implementation.